KUALA LUMPUR: The National Press Club of Malaysia (NPC), together with enterprise solutions platform provider MACROKIOSK, launched the NPC-MACROKIOSK Muhibbah Awardsto recognise any individual, group or organisation that best exemplifies the true spirit of Muhibbah in Malaysia.

A regular monthly award, winners shall be selected by a rotating panelcomprising media editors and senior journalists.

The monthly winner (individual/organisation) stand to take home RM2,000. The winners will also receive vouchers fromtop regional lifestyle tea brandTealive, Malaysia’s leading lifestyle fresh market brand Jaya Grocer andtop natural yoghurt brand llaollao.

NPC president Datuk AhirudinAttan said it was time for everyone in Malaysia to reflect on the fundamentals of nationhood.

“NPC is represented by members from a cross-section of media establishments. The spirit of muhibbah is what holds us together, both in the club andas a nation,” said Ahirudin.

“We strongly feel it’s time to recognise and reward anyone, individual or organisation, that embodies the spirit of muhibbah,” he said at the launch of the award series at the clubhouse at Jalan Tangsi, Kuala Lumpur.

Ahirudin looked forward to seeing those whose generosity and dedication resulted in the betterment of people, well-being of animals or nature,get the deserved spotlight.

“Many acts of selfless service have gone under the radar, and we feel it’s time that kindnessgets noticed and rewarded. We hope that this award series will lead to our societyand our country becoming stronger, more resilient, and more united,” he added.

In supporting this joint-initiative, MACROKIOSK Chief Executive Officer, Dato’ Kenny Goh, concurred that it was time to highlight the good and noble deeds of any individual or organisation that embodied the spirit of muhibbah.

 “The award aims to promote goodwill and friendship and to care for one another irrespective of colour or creed, or even showing great compassion for plants and animals,” said Goh.

“We also hope as news about this award spreads, it can inspire more people in Malaysia to live together in the spirit of Muhibbah.

“Even though MACROKIOSK operates through 12 global offices, serving customers from 37 countries, we call Malaysia home and we celebrate the diverse beliefs, cultures and traditions of all our staff, customers and partners in the very Malaysian spirit of muhibbah,” he said.

Nominations can be sent to [email protected], by WhatsApp to https://chat.whatsapp.com/K739FdIOnqCCti0aOGnFFv


About National Press Club of Malaysia (NPC)

The NPC was founded on June 6, 1948, when a group of journalists came together at an inaugural meeting at the old Majestic Hotel in Kuala Lumpur.The NPC now has over 300 members. A non-profit organisation, the club organises social events for media practitioners regularly. NPC also organises talks and workshops on media practices and current events affecting the profession.



MACROKIOSK is an enterprise solutions platform company in Asia that helps businesses to acquire, grow and retain customers. MACROKIOSK operates from 12 offices globally and serves over 5,000 customers from 37 countries across 24 industries. MACROKIOSK’s BOLD. enterprise solutions platform provides omnichannel communication, multichannel payment, analytical engagement and actionable marketing to drive customers’ business communication efficiency, payment requirements, customer engagements and marketing interactions towards market demands.

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