The National Press Club of Malaysia (NPC) workshop on Islamic Banking and Finance aims to enhance the journalists’ existing knowledge and understanding of the industry which is constantly evolving.

This is the second media workshop on such a topic organised by the NPC in collaboration with Maybank Islamic Bhd, the Islamic banking arm of Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank).

Among the topics the workshop touched on are an overview of the Islamic banking and financial industry in Malaysia, new realities and opportunities and how Islamic finance should be in the future.

The speakers included, Dato’ Rafique Merican, Head of Islamic Banking Group, Maybank; CEO of Maybank Islamic Berhad, Mr Arshad Ismail, Head of Corporate and Investment Banking, Maybank Islamic Berhad, Asst Prof Dr Ziyaad Mahomed, Faculty Member of INCEIF; Chairman of Syariah Board, HSBC Amanah Malaysia and Datuk Yong Soo Heong, Chairman of Malaysia Global Business Forum, Trustee of the Malaysian Press Institute and Yayasan SALAM Malaysia

“With the background from the media workshop, business journalists will be well-positioned to churn out value-added business stories.


Maybank Islamic Bhd expects its financing growth to achieve eight per cent this year, backed by improved customer sentiment and momentum in the country’s economy.

Source: Maybank Islamic expects financing asset growth at 8%  by

“There is a lot of potential for infrastructure funding in Saudi Arabia, especially from the dollar-denominated sukuk segment in the country as it works towards the Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030,” he said at the National Press Club Malaysia and Maybank Islamic Media Workshop 2.0 on Islamic banking

Source: Maybank: Tap Islamic financing potentials in Saudi’s infrastructure projects  by LIDIANA ROSLI @

The forecast by the nation’s largest shariah-compliant lender is in line with the projection by BIMB Holdings Bhd, the holding entity of the stand-alone Bank Islam Malaysia Bhd, in which the latter is seeing its financing assets to grow by 8% in 2017, higher than the average banking industry growth of between 5% and 6%.

Source: Maybank Islamic sees financing assets grow 8% in 2017, says CEO  by Sulhi Azman & Emir Zainul @

KUALA LUMPUR — Maybank Islamic Bhd is looking to expand the Islamic banking system to ASEAN countries, said Chief Executive Officer Datuk Mohamed Rafique Merican.

Source: Maybank Islamic Looks To Expand Shariah Banking To ASEAN  by

“We see good demand from consumer services for Islamic financial services, corporate side, we see quite strong momentum to enable Islamic financing to grow at much higher level.

Source: Maybank Islamic expects its financing asset growth at 8 pct  by

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